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  • For 2022, the amount you can sock away into your 401(k), 403(b) and most 457 plans will rise another $1,000 to $20,500. If you're at least 50 years of age, you can put away up to $27,000 thanks to catch-up contributions. The limit on "total additions" to those plans — that is your deferrals and employer contributions combined — rises to $61,000 in 2022 or $67,500 if you're at least 50. While ...

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    With autumn coming up, it's time to think about "harvesting" capital gains or losses from sales of securities. In addition, unfavorable tax law changes proposed in President Biden's American Families Plan (AFP) may create an added sense of urgency for some taxpayers. (See "Proposed Tax Law Changes" at bottom.) The Basics When you sell securities and other capital assets, the gains and losses are ...

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    On July 14, 2021, we hosted a live town-hall webinar offering a look ahead on various investment topics, as well as answers on top-of-mind investor issues. Watch this video hear unique insights on topics such as: is it the right time to invest at market all-time highs? government stimulus spending, inflation and national debt; Bitcoin and the “meme stocks”; market downturn mitigation ...

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    Nowadays, many employer retirement plans give employees the option of contributing to designated Roth accounts (DRAs). According to a 2020 survey, 75% of employer plans now offer DRAs, which are also known as Roth 401(k) accounts. If your employer offers this option and your income is too high to make annual Roth IRA contributions, contributing to a DRA is worth considering. This option also may ...

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    Here's a little-known secret for parents planning to send their children to college in the future: Some of the tax-saving moves you make now could hurt your student's chances for getting financial aid later. That's because of the way the financial aid system treats different assets. Retirement plans and IRAs don't count for college aid purposes. You're not expected to break into these accounts to ...

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    As the COVID-19 pandemic taught many Americans, serious illness may strike at any time and any age. Of course, in ordinary times, older Americans are at risk of becoming physically or mentally incapacitated. So if you haven't thought about who'll handle your personal and financial affairs in the event you can't, given it serious consideration now. Let's look at two potential solutions: a power of ...

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    Effective Estate Planning requires attention to a number of important details. The following checklist will get you started developing an estate management plan. Consult with your professional adviser after reviewing the following questions. Do you have a will? A will enables you to specify who you want to inherit your property and other assets. A will also enables you to name a guardian for your...

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    If you're nearing retirement, you've likely paid into the Social Security system your entire career. It's only fitting that you finally cash in on the Social Security benefits that are rightfully yours. But when should you start receiving benefits — at the first available date, at the latest date or somewhere between those dates? The answer depends on your personal circumstances and preferences....

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    Creating a budget may seem like a complicated and unnecessary burden for most people, but a budget can be a valuable tool for managing your money. Instead of thinking about it as just another thing to do, think about how a carefully constructed budget can help you reduce expenses and optimize the way you spend. Why do you need a budget? First of all, income does not always equal expenses. A budget...

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    A lot can change over a lifetime — including with your wealth, family composition and priorities. That's why you need to revise your estate plan as you progress through life. Milestones such as becoming a parent and retiring can require everything from estate plan edits to estate plan overhauls. Here are some of the issues you should be considering at each life stage. Starting Out If you've ...

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