If you’re in, or nearing retirement, you may be wondering how the 2024 presidential election may impact your portfolio – and your retirement plans. Perhaps you’re wondering if you should wait to claim Social Security and work a little longer? You’re not alone. It’s natural for investors to look for a connection between who wins the White House and which way stocks will go.
Join us to learn what you should keep in mind in 2024 as we cover the basics of Social Security and reveal innovative strategies for maximizing your benefits in an election year and beyond.
At this workshop you will learn:
- Portfolio considerations during election cycles.
- How past election years have impacted market performance.
- 5 factors to consider when deciding when to apply for benefits.
- Why you should always check your earning record for accuracy.
- How to coordinate benefits with your spouse.
- How to minimize taxes on Social Security benefits.
- How to coordinate Social Security with your other sources of retirement income.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Registration begins at 9:45 a.m. The workshop will begin promptly at 10:00.
Lewes Public Library
111 Adams Avenue
Lewes, DE 19958
Seating is limited. Click the button to reserve your space.
Questions or for help registering – call Maritza Shaw at 800-274-2564.

Gigi G. LeKites, CFP®, CRPC®
Gigi is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional through the CFP Board of Standards, a Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor through the College for Financial Planning and a partner at PKS Investment Advisors with more than 20 years of professional experience. As an advisor with PKS Investment Advisors, Gigi facilitates comprehensive retirement planning for all stages of life comprised of a prudent approach while remaining consistent with the needs, goals and recourses set forth by the client.

Kyle M. Banks
Kyle is a graduate of Salisbury University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance. As an Associate Advisor with PKS he works closely with the Firm’s Financial Planners and Investment Advisors to develop investment policies, monitor clients’ asset allocations, rebalancing portfolios and recommending trades, monitoring cash balances for investment opportunities and assisting with the creation of financial plans. Kyle has more than 10 years of industry experience and holds a FINRA series 65 securities license.
PKS Investment Advisors LLC is a registered investment advisor with the securities and exchange commission. Reference to registration does not imply any particular level of qualification or skill. PKS Investment Advisors LLC does not give tax or legal advice. Be sure to consult with the appropriate professionals in these matters.