Do You Qualify for the 0% Tax Rate for Capital Gains and Dividends?

Many people currently qualify for a 0% federal income tax rate on net long-term capital gains (LTCGs) and qualified dividends earned in their taxable accounts. Investment assets that may qualify include marketable securities and real estate held outside of tax-favored retirement accounts. Here’s how you might be able to take advantage of this favorable rate […]

How an HSA Can Boost Your Retirement Savings

To have a health savings account (HSA), you generally must be covered by a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) at work. HDHPs have become popular in recent years as employers have struggled to keep health benefit costs down. If you’re not covered by one now, you might be soon, as more employers consider the advantages. Also, […]

New Tax Law Improves QCD Benefits

Seniors who must take withdrawals from their IRAs may be able to benefit from a special tax provision for qualified charitable distributions (QCDs). Briefly stated, this provision allows people in their 70s and older to transfer funds directly from an IRA to a charity without any adverse tax consequences. The new SECURE 2.0 law enhances […]

Reap Tax Rewards from Securities Harvest This Fall

With autumn coming up, it’s time to think about “harvesting” capital gains or losses from sales of securities. In addition, unfavorable tax law changes proposed in President Biden’s American Families Plan (AFP) may create an added sense of urgency for some taxpayers. (See “Proposed Tax Law Changes” at bottom.) The Basics When you sell securities […]